Hey Gang,
Are you a slave of your habits or a master of them? Habits are one of the most powerful tools that can work for or against us. As the saying goes, "first we make ourselves, then your habit make us."
If your like most people you have probably had several occasions where you decided on a once and for all decision that sounds something along the lines of, "that's it! From now on I'm going to workout this many times a week, eat healthy, and exercise daily for the next several months." At the time, we may be fed up with our bodies and be really motivated to begin a workout program and have all the energy in the world to see it to the end..... at the moment.
But what happens a few weeks down the road? We begin to lose motivation, start to slack off, and sure enough, we are right back to where we started again until we get another inspirational boost to "finally make the decision" again.
Does this sound anything familiar to you? If you have always wanted to build muscle mass or follow a
weight gain program, this probably hits home for most of you reading this. Again and again we follow this slow and tortuous pattern that in the end really get's us no where. As Albert Einstein once quoted, "the definition of insanity is repeatedly doing the same thing and expecting a different result."
So this means, if we are repeatedly going through the process I described above again and again without ever getting different results then we either need to do something different or check ourselves in to the nearest mental hospital for insanity.
So what CAN we do different? Here's the answer: create a habit. Write this down and memorize this. Because instead of trying to spontaneously hype ourselves into sticking with a
weight gain program for several months, what we need to do is first break old habits and create new ones. Why? Because as you are probably aware of, once something is a habit in your life, you no longer have any RESISTANCE towards it because you are not CONSCIOUSLY making a change in your life, you are basically just acting on autopilot. No change equals no resistance, no resistance makes sticking to a program MUCH easier.
So instead of trying to FORCE ourselves to follow a program over the next several months, we are going to focus on making your workouts a habit FIRST, then you will have minimum resistance to finishing.
So how do we create a habit? I thought you'd never ask. Well, it is said that it takes 21 days to create a habit. That means what you need to do is pick one or two things that you have the most trouble sticking with, whether it's your eating habits, skipping days, training intensity, getting enough rest or sleep at night, whatever yours may be.
Once you identify your weakness, your goal is to create a 21 day plan to strictly follow your plan for 21 days STRAIGHT. The most important key here is to not miss a single day in the 21 day process; because if you do, then you have to start over.
For example, let's say you have trouble taking in enough protein every day to feed your muscles. One habit you can create is to take a protein shake first thing in the morning and one before you go to bed. All you have to do then, is for the next 21 days, consciously remind yourself by whatever means possible and FORCE yourself to do this for just 21 days. Don't think anything past 21 days, or you may get discouraged. Besides, you won't have to think about it after 21 days anyway.
All you need to focus on is doing this for 21 days, without skipping a SINGLE day. Make post-it notes, reminders on your refrigerator, alarms on your phone, whatever it is you need to do so you don't forget. Most people, even highly unmotivated people can discipline themselves for at least 21 days.
Once you have done this, you have created a habit, and you will begin to notice that you no longer need to THINK about or REMIND yourself everyday, because it will be a habit. You will have one more habit working FOR you, and not AGAINST you, therefore freeing up your time and energy to consciously focus on creating new habits.
Go ahead and try this out for whatever it is you find yourself not consistently following through on, and the more good habits you create, the easier and easier it will be for you to build muscle mass and stay consistent.
I'll talk to your soon
Your friend,
Derek Manuel
Weight Gain Program