Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hardgainer Workout Using High Volume Training

If you're still having trouble gaining weight, a good trick to add to your hardgainer workout is high volume training for a few weeks. Now, one very important point here is that I am NOT suggesting you do a million exercises for 2 hours a day 6 days a week.

This is the most detrimental thing you can do as hardgainer. You will see much better results training hard with just a few basic compound exercises a couple days a week the main focus on increasing strength.

However, if you have reached a level in your hardgainer workout where you have increased your strength significantly but still lack mass, try a little high volume training.

Here's an example of an abbreviated hardgainer workout routine that I would normally recommend for hardgainers to first increase their strength:

1. Squats: 5x5
2. Bench Press: 5x5
3. Weighted Pull-Ups: 5x5
4. Military Press: 2x12
5. Romanian Deadlifts: 5x5

This is a basic version of the 5x5 system that has been proven for decades to increase strength like no other.

Now, to add some high volume training in your hardgainer workout, let's use the bench press for example:

After two progressively heavier warm up sets for 5 reps, you do your last 3 sets of 5 with the near maximum weight you can handle for 5 reps. Immediately after this, you strip the weight to an amount that you can do 10 reps for in a relatively fast fashion.

After 30-45 seconds rest, do another 10 reps. Continue with this, while stripping the weight as necessary to maintain 10 clean reps per set, until you do a total of 8 to 10 sets. By the last few sets you probably will only be able to just do the bar, but that's OK. You've already done your strength training with your first 5x5, now the point is to really get the blood pumping in your muscles.

So, the entire process for just the bench press would look like this:

Bench Press: 5x5 strength training; then 10x10 w/30-45 second rest between sets

When doing high volume training like this, it is a good idea to abbreviate your program even further, such as just picking three exercises a day.

Obviously you won't be able to do strength training for the military press on the same day as the bench press with this, since your triceps will absolutely be fried.

Try this high volume training in your hardgainer workout for the most basic compound exercises for a while if you are hitting a plateau in your gains lately, and you'll more then likely add a few extra pounds within a matter of weeks.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Hardgainer Workout

When it comes to a hardgainer workout, less is always more. Hardgainers by nature require much more rest and recovery time then the average person. This is why we see so many hardgainers train for month after month and year after year on long bodybuilding type workouts only to end up looking the same as when they started.

One very important key you must follow as a hardgainer is abbreviated workouts. It is much more effective to spend a good 45 to 75 minutes working hard on 4 to 5 of the most basic compound exercises 2 to 3 days a week maximum then 10 different exercises everyday 4 to 6 days a week.

A true hardgainer workout program will focus on exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, bent-over barbell rows, weighted pull-ups, and shoulder presses. Focusing on just a few of these for 2 to 3 solid hours a week TOTAL will put MUCH more gains in terms of muscle, weight, and strength then any drawn out "advanced" bodybuilding program can.

If the majority of your workouts are isolation exercises then you are doomed from the beginning. No hardgainer will gain an ounce of weight or muscle spending hours and hours on the millions of variations for bicep curls and and tricep presses.

Put effort into bench presses, squats, and bent-over rows in your hardgainer workout, then you'll be on to something. You will not only develop you smaller muscles like like your biceps and triceps, but more importantly you'll be developing your larger muscles which in result will STIMULATE growth in the secondary muscles.

There's a whole science explaining why and how this works, but it's not neccessary to learn all that noise.

You don't have to know how or why electricity works, but you know every time you flip your light switch you lights will come on. Well, trust that every time you put in good quality hard work and consistency into the major compound exercises in your hardgainer workout, you'll start to see much better gains then before.

Hope this helps,


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Gain Weight and Build Muscle in 2010

If you've been going to the gym day in and day out, eating everything in site and gaging down useless supplements (not to mention unnecessarily draining your wallet), and you're just about fed up, listen here.

Gaining weight, even for hardgainers, doesn't have to be that complicated. In fact, it's not complicated at all. It's actually rather simple.

Even further, most things in life are simple. If you want to have more money next year spend less then you earn. If you want to learn another language set aside time everyday to practice and progress using a step-by-step proven formula. If you wanted to lose weight, exercise enough to where you burn more calories then you consume, and eat less more often of healthier and balanced foods.

Not to say that there is not more to it then just these over simplifications, but there really isn't MUCH more to it. Of course, we as humans love to complicate things.

Well I am here to tell you that gaining weight isn't all that complicated. Does it take hard work? Hell yes it does. Does it take consistency? You bet.

But the bottom line is you have to harmonize all of the factors that contribute to the bodies ability to gain weight and build muscle. The problem most people have is that they take a simple process and complicate it.

It's not most peoples fault, however, because the only way for the fitness industry to continue to make money is to continue to promote and advertise "new" and "revolutionary" supplements, equipment, and blah blah blah.

Now, you might be saying to yourself right now, "But Derek, YOU'RE in the fitness industry, this is how YOU make a living, so why should I listen to you??"

Good question. The answer is this: I'm never selling anything new. I have and always will be promoting the same old boring ebook for years and years.

Why? Because it WORKS. I never claim ANYTHING in this book is "new" or "revolutionary" because the God honest truth is that the fastest way to gain weight and build muscle has and always will be through just a few simple principles applied harmoniously.

How to Gain Weight and Build Muscle for Hardgainers is as successful as it is today because it cuts through all of the BS and tells you EVERYTHING you will EVER need to know about gaining weight and building muscle as fast as naturally possible for hardgainers. Period.

So if you are tired of hearing the latest FAD in gaining weight and building muscle that simply won't work for hardgainers and want just the simple straight forward truth, then get a copy of my ebook now.

What better way to start off your 2010 when you are most motivated and energized with a time honored and proven step-by-step program that covers everything from A to Z in the SIMPLEST form possible for hardgainers.

One more thing, I have a New Years sale going on until, surprise surprise, New Years Day. After that it will probably go back to the normal price, so there's no time to waste here.

Train hard and follow everything to the letter, then let me here about YOUR results.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hardgainer Grocery List

Hey guys,

I have found over time that the majority of the problems hardgainers have when trying to gain weight and or/build muscle is not in finding a solid hardgainer workout, but in getting the right information in terms of the what, when, why and how of eating.

The simple advice of "eat a lot" or "consume more calories then you burn" doesn't really solve the problem most hardgainers have when trying to gain weight. I found a great article on that covers the basics of a hardgainer and, more importantly, a great overall meal plan for them.

Check it out below:

Hardgainer Grocery List -

"Are you one of the many guys who struggle to gain weight? If so, take comfort in knowing that you aren’t alone. Building muscle for anyone is not an easy process and for some, it can be remarkably hard. These individuals, who are often referred to as ”hardgainers,” are really going to have to push their dietary efforts to the limits to start seeing measurable progress.

Here is the lowdown on a hardgainers diet and what a hardgainer grocery list needs to look like:"

Read the rest here

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How to Gain Weight When You Have a Fast Metabolism

Hey guys,

One of my articles that I posted last year still to this day gets a ton of views and comments back and forth, so I thought I'd bring it back and post it on my blog.

In the article I include a hardgainer workout as well as tips on diet and supplementing.

Enjoy below...

It seems like today everybody wants to lose weight. True, our country is having a major problem with obesity, but there are still those of us who would do just about anything to gain weight.

If you're anything like I was, you could just about eat a grocery store out of business and not gain an ounce of weight. So if you have tried anything and everything to gain weight to no avail, then keep reading my friend.

There is such a barrage of misleading information out there today that it's no longer a question of getting information, but instead discerning the right information.

So let's go over some of the key aspects you must follow on how to gain weight when you have a fast metabolism.

The first key is weight training, and before I go any further I want you to forget everything you have ever read on the subject of weight training, bodybuilding, and anything else of the sort.

Chances are you have been fed more misleading information then anything good, and since it isn't really that complex, let's start from scratch.

OK, there are only a few key exercises that you need to do, no more then two to three days a week. More is better in a lot of things in life, but not in weight training to gain weight, it's quite the opposite.

If you spend too much time in the gym on too many exercises all you are going to do is over-train and you may even lose weight, especially if you have a fast metabolism. The key is to really train HARD on just a few major exercises, and to really concentrate on getting stronger each and every week, even if it's only by a couple of pounds.

Here is an example of a few exercises you should do two or three days a week:

-Squats: 2 x 15

-Bench Press: 3 x 12

-Bent-Over Barbell Rows: 3 x 15

-Overhead or Military Press: 2 x 12

-Romanian Deadlifts: 1 x 15

These are the mother of all weight gaining exercises, and squats are the granddaddy of them all. Don't think that squats and Romanian deadlifts will only make your legs big. In fact, if you do them in the way I'm about to reveal to you, they will be responsible for 80% of the weight you will gain on your WHOLE body.

Now, here is one key point you can't forget: don't make the mistake of believing that because the reps are relatively high, means you are only going to be using light weights. Think just the opposite, you are going to be training with HEAVY weights (relative to your strengths or course) for HIGH reps.

Sounds like a paradox I know, but heavy weight for high reps will work for these exercises, and more importantly, they will work wonders for your weight gains.

The second aspect is your diet. The number one rule to gaining weight is this: you will only gain weight when you have consumed more calories then you have burned. So here's what you should do next: starting tomorrow, eat what you normally eat everyday, but count how many calories you are eating.

Whatever your number is, your goal is to eat around 500 to 1,000 more calories then that each day. Here is a little trick to help you do that: every morning make yourself a huge protein shake, enough to fit in a gallon container, and consume it evenly throughout the day, both with and without your meals.

Throw in a bunch of healthy, calorie and protein packed foods until altogether until it equals the 500 to 1,000 extra calories you need. Examples of what you can add are milk, a banana, peanut butter, molasses, powdered milk, and ice cream.

The last aspect you can't forget is to limit your other activities and rest as much as possible. Any time you're moving you're burning extra calories, and you'll want to burn as little as possible outside of your weight training. That means no cardiovascular exercises or any sports for that matter.

Remember, you are trying to learn how to gain weight when you have a fast metabolism and any activity outside your weight training is counter-productive.

Talk to ya soon,

Derek Manuel
Hardgainer Workout

Hardgainer Workouts - Busting through Plateaus!

Hey guys,

As hardgainers, more often then not we can hit "sticking points" in our hardgainer workout. This is where you get stuck at a certain weight on a particular exercise and can't get past it, or even worse, see a digression in results.

I found a great article that will help hardgainers get past these annoying a result robbing sticking points so that you can move forward and continue to successfully gain weight and build muscle in your hardgainer workout.

Enjoy! - - Barrier Buster: Tips For Busting Through Plateaus!:

"Sticking points are bad news, but everybody suffers from them from time to time. Sometimes the cause is staleness, brought on by overtraining, and the cure, simple though it is, is usually hard to take. You may know, deep down inside you, that what you really need is a complete layoff, but the very idea tastes like a dose of castor oil. At other times, when staleness and overtraining are not the cause, your progress can be kick-started by changing to a completely new routine."

Read more here

Talk to ya soon,

Derek Manuel
Hardgainer Workout

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Gaining Weight: How Can You Gain Weight if You Are a Hardgainer?

Hey guys,

I found this great article on hardgainers who are struggling to gain weight. Many times hardgainers complain about trying every hardgainer workout they can get their hands on, when in reality it all too often comes down to their eating habits.

In the below article, bodybuilder Dave "Jumbo" Palumbo goes over the most basic fundamentals that EVERY hardgainer must know and include in their overall hardgainer workout.

Check it out below...

"Now ask yourself - and be honest - have you really tried EVERYTHING? How long have you been working at gaining weight? How persistent have you been? How many different training and diet strategies have you tried? How many calories are you eating? How many times have you increased your calories?

When I pose these questions to so-called 'hard-gainers,' 19 out of 20 of them admit that not only have they tried very few things, but they haven't even mastered the most basic fundamental of gaining weight:"

Read the rest here

Train hard fellow hardgainers,

Derek Manuel
Hardgainer Workout